A cylindrical tank has a radius of 15 feet and a height of 45 feet. How many cubic feet of water can the tank hold

Since you are trying to find how much water you need to fill the tank, you have to find the area of the cylinder.
The equation for finding the area of a cylinder is [tex]3.14( radius^{2} ) Height[/tex]
Make sure you multiply the radius by itself and then multiply 3.14 and not the height.
Do the problems in bold
1. 3.14([tex] 15^{2} [/tex]) 45
Find 15 x 15
2. 3.14(225) 45
Multiply 3.14  x 225
3. 706 x 45
Multiply 706 x 45
4. 31770
The maximum amount of water the tank can hold is 31,700 [tex] feet^{3} [/tex]
general 8 months ago 2962