Large Cheese Pizza $14.85Large Supreme Pizza $16.90Cheese Sticks $5.99Dessert Pizza $6.99 2. A family comes in with a coupon for $5 off any purchase and wants to know how much it will cost for 1 large supreme pizza and 1 order of cheese sticks if they use their coupon. Jacob says it will be $17.89. Is this reasonable? Justify your response using estimation. If the answer is not reasonable, identify the error and then calculate the correct solution.3. A customer calls in a delivery order for 3 large cheese pizzas and 2 dessert pizzas. The customer wants to give a 20% tip to the delivery driver. Jacob says that $5 would be about 20%. Is this reasonable? Justify your response using estimation. If the answer is not reasonable, identify the error and then calculate the correct solution.

2. $16.90 + $5.99 = $22.89
22.89-5= Β $17.89 The answer is reasonable

3. 14.85 x 3= $44.55 this is the total cost
to find the tax, multiply 44.55 times 0.2Β 
The answer is not reasonable, the tip should be $8.91
general 8 months ago 4812