You work for a dress makers and your boss sends you to the fabric store to buy yellow fabric. She tells you to buy the best deal. What is the best deal on fabric? A) 5 yards for $20.00 B) 10 yards for $30.00 C) 20 yards for $55.00 D) 35 yards for $90.00

Answer:D) 35 yards for $90.Step-by-step explanation:We have been given four options and we are asked to choose the option that represents the best deal.Let us find the cost of per yard cloth for our given choices.A. [tex]\text{ Price offered by option A}=\frac{\$20}{5\text{ yards}}[/tex] [tex]\text{ Price offered by option A}=\frac{\$4}{\text{ yard}}[/tex] Therefore, option A offers $4 per yard of cloth.B. [tex]\text{ Price offered by option B}=\frac{\$30}{10\text{ yards}}[/tex]  [tex]\text{ Price offered by option B}=\frac{\$3}{\text{ yard}}[/tex]  Therefore, option B offers $3 per yard of cloth.C. [tex]\text{ Price offered by option C}=\frac{\$55}{20\text{ yards}}[/tex]  [tex]\text{ Price offered by option C}=\frac{\$2.75}{\text{ yards}}[/tex]  Therefore, option C offers $2.75 per yard of cloth.D. [tex]\text{ Price offered by option D}=\frac{\$90}{35\text{ yards}}[/tex]  [tex]\text{ Price offered by option D}=\frac{\$2.57}{\text{ yard}}[/tex]  Therefore, option D offers $2.57 per yard of cloth.Since price offered by option D is less than other option D is the best deal.
general 8 months ago 9191