A customer becomes frustrated when you try to transfer them to a specialist. 1 Which statement is MOST like how you would respond? Select a statement Apologize to the customer for having to transfer them. Promise that this will be the last time. Apologize to the customer. Explain that it is unusual to transfer a customer multiple times, but you want them to talk to a specialist who can best serve them. Tell the customer that you appreciate their patience. State that you are confdent their question will be answered by a specialist. Tell the customer that you understand their frustration. Offer to conference in the specialist so you can explain the problem

A customer becomes frustrated when you try to transfer them to a specialist. 1 Which statement is MOST like how you would respond? Select a statement Apologize to the customer for having to transfer them. Promise that this will be the last time. Apologize to the customer. Explain that it is unusual to transfer a customer multiple times, but you want them to talk to a specialist who can best serve them. Tell the customer that you appreciate their patience. State that you are confdent their question will be answered by a specialist. Tell the customer that you understand their frustration. Offer to conference in the specialist so you can explain the problem
A customer becomes frustrated when you try to transfer them to a specialist. 1 Which statement is MOST like how you would respond? Select a statement Apologize to the customer for having to transfer them. Promise that this will be the last time. Apologize to the customer. Explain that it is unusual to transfer a customer multiple times, but you want them to talk to a specialist who can best serve them. Tell the customer that you appreciate their patience. State that you are confdent their question will be answered by a specialist. Tell the customer that you understand their frustration. Offer to conference in the specialist so you can explain the problem 65105a55c0690.webp
algebra 6 months ago 8703