How many extraneous solutions does the equation below have?StartFraction 9 Over n squa + 1 EndFraction = StartFraction n + 3 Over 4 EndFraction0123

Answer:We can say that the given equation has no extraneous solutions.The correct option is A.) 0the given equation is \(\frac{}9{}{}n^{}2{} +1{} = \frac{}n+3{}{}4{}\)this equals to \(36 = (n^{}2{} +1)(n+3) = n^{}3{} + 3n^{}2{} + n + 3\)therefore \(n^{}3{} +3n^{}2{} +n+3 = 36 \hspace{}0.3cm{}\Rightarrow \hspace{}0.3cm{}n^{}3{} +3n^{}2{} +n-33=0\)Solving the equation through Newton-Raphson method we get n  \(\approx\)  2.3845.We can say that the given equation has no extraneous solutions.
algebra 6 months ago 6969