Irma has $500 to open a checking account. She wants an account with the lowest fees. She plans to use only her bank'sATM to deposit her paychecks and withdraw cash.Monthly FeeMinimumBalance$500$0Bank Account Terms and ConditionsInterest Overdra ATM FeesProtection0.1% yes $0 for allATMs0%$0 for ABCbank ATMs0%no$2 pertransaction$250no$5$50$10 or$0 with directdeposit$5 or $0 withdirect deposit$1000.1%no$0 pertransaction

Answer:Account AExplanation:Since Irma has $500 to open a checking account and She wants an account with the lowest fees.She plans to use only her bank’s ATM to deposit her paychecks and withdraw cash.The Bank Account Terms and Conditions that would be best for Irma is Account A.Account A will be sufficient as there is no indication for writing of checks and issuing checks  to clients as a form of payment, including the fact that the amount Irma has to open the account is just a base amount of $500
algebra 6 months ago 3995