Read the excerpt from Thoughts and Sentiments. However, notwithstanding all that has been done and written against it, that brutish barbarity, and unparalelled injustice, is still carried on to a very great extent in the colonies, and with an avidity as insidious, cruel and oppressive as ever. What inference about Cugoano’s beliefs is most supported by this excerpt? Cugoano believes that slavery does not have to be cruel and oppressive. Cugoano believes that slavery needs to be abolished in the colonies. Cugoano believes that more people need to speak out against slavery. Cugoano believes that more writers need to write about slavery.

Answer:Cugoano believes that slavery needs to be abolished in the colonies. Explanation:Ottobah Cugoano or also known as John Stuart was a former slave who became free and became educated. He later also became one of the most prominent abolitionists against the slavery system in the American and English nations. His publishing of "Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species" became known for his criticism of the slave trade. He called for the abolition of slavery and the immediate emancipation and release of slaves, also the cessation of the slave trade. Based on the excerpt in the question, it can be infer that Cugoano believes that slavery needs to be abolished in the colonies.
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