The value of 2³ + 4² = ___.

Answer:  24 To add the value of these numbers, we must first understand what these numbers mean.The first number can be read as "2 to the 3rd" or "2 to the 3rd power." The larger 2 is called the base and the smaller 3 that is raised up is called the exponent. The exponent of 3 tells us that we multiply our base 3 times.2³ = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8So, 2³ = 8.The second number can be read as "4 to the 2nd" or "4 to the 2nd power." The exponent of 2 tells us that we multiply our bases 2 times.4² = 4 × 4 = 16So, 4² = 16.Finally, we can add these two numbers together.8 + 16 = 24Therefore, 2³ + 4² = 24
algebra 6 months ago 8116