What was the sensitive, well-insulated tool Willard F. Libby used to date artifacts with known ages?A. X-ray machineB. Richter scaleC. Geiger-Müller tubesD. petri dishFull explanation, no spam answers, please!

\(\text{}Hey there!{}\)\(\text{}Question reads: What was the sensitive, well-insulated tool Willard F.{}\) \(\text{} Libby used to date artifacts with known ages?{}\)\(\bf{}Choices\downarrow{}\\\bf{}A) X-ray\ machine{}\\\bf{}B) Richter\ Scale{}\\\bf{}C)Geinger-Muller\ tubes{}\\\bf{}D)Petri\ dish{}\)\(\boxed{}\boxed{}\bf{}Answer: C. Geiger-Muller\ tubes{}{}{}\checkmark\)\(\text{}Your explanation{}\downarrow\)\(\text{}The people of the University of Berkeley were succeeding to make a(n){}\) \(\text{}energy to make the interest for the atomic energy force.{}\)\(\text{}. Some people thought this was delicate to handle.{}\)\(\text{}Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day!{}\)~\(\frak{}LoveYourselfFirst{}\)
algebra 6 months ago 6977