Which items in this image are electrically conductive? Check all that apply.A. the power lines themselvesB. the wooden pole that supports the linesC. the rubber soles on the worker’s boots D. the metal tools the worker uses E. the wooden ladder leaning against the lines

A, the power lines are what actually conducts (Or moves) the power.It is NOT B or E, because wood is a terrible conductor. This is the reason it is used in homes, to make the heat, (Which is Electricity) stay inside, rather than letting it all pass through.It is NOT C, because rubber, again, is a horrible conductor. Like wood, it is what we call an insulator, because it does not conduct heat. (or electricity) This is why we wear rubber gloves when doing electrical work.D is an acceptable answer- Most metals are very good conductors of electricity. For example, have you ever seen a copper pan? It cooks very well, because copper is a very good conductor. Copper is a metal. This is why wire cutters have rubber handles, because the metal's conductivity could electrify the person holding it. The rubber, as I explained before, acts as a "Shield," keeping the person from getting electrocuted when cutting wires or working with electricity.
algebra 6 months ago 9333