(05.05)On a coordinate plane, the coordinates of vertices R and T for a polygon are R(−6, 2) and T(1, 2). What is the length of Side RT of the polygon?

Answer:The length of Side RT of the polygon is [tex]7\ units[/tex] Step-by-step explanation:we know thatthe formula to calculate the distance between two points is equal to [tex]d=\sqrt{(y2-y1)^{2}+(x2-x1)^{2}}[/tex] we have[tex]R(-6,2)\\T(1,2)[/tex]  substitute the values [tex]d=\sqrt{(2-2)^{2}+(1+6)^{2}}[/tex] [tex]d=\sqrt{(0)^{2}+(7)^{2}}[/tex] [tex]dRT=7\ units[/tex]
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