1.) Find the value of the discriminant and the the number of real solutions of x^2-8x+7=02.) Find the value of the discriminant and the number of real solutions of2x^2+4x+2=0

Hi there!

When we have an equation standard form...
[tex]a {x}^{2} + bx + c = 0[/tex]
...the formula of the discriminant is
D = b^2 - 4ac

D > 0 we have two real solutions
D = 0 we have one real solutions
D < 0 we don't have real solutions

1.) Find the value of the discriminant and the the number of real solutions of

Plug in the values from the equation into the formula of the discriminant

[tex]( - 8) {}^{2} - 4 \times 1 \times 7 = 64 - 28 = 36[/tex]

D > 0 and therefore we have two real solutions.

2.) Find the value of the discriminant and the number of real solutions of

Again, plug in the values from the equation into the formula of the discriminant.

[tex] {4}^{2} - 4 \times 2 \times 2 = 16 - 16 = 0[/tex]

D = 0 and therefore we have one real solution.

~ Hope this helps you.
general 6 months ago 1971