1. use formulas to find the lateral area and surface area of the given prism. Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Use the large 12 * 7 m rectangles on the top and bottom as the bases. The lengths are 2m, 12m, and 7m. 2. Use formulas to find the lateral area and surface area of the given prism. Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Lengths are 6m, 9m, 26m, 10.82m.

The lateral area is 755 m², and the surface area is 785 m²The lateral areaThe lateral area (L) is calculated usingL = Base Perimeter * HeightFrom the figure (see attachment), we have:Height = 34 mBase perimeter = 5 m + 6 m + 11.21 m = 22.21 mSo, the lateral area is:L = 22.21 m * 34 mEvaluate the productL = 755 m²The surface areaThe surface area (S) is calculated usingS = L + 2 * Base AreaThe base area (B) is calculated usingB = 0.5 * base * heightThis givesB = 0.5 * 5 * 6 Evaluate the productB = 15 m²Recall that:S = L + 2 * Base AreaThis givesS = 755 + 2*15Evaluate the sumS = 785 m²Hence, the lateral area is 755 m², and the surface area is 785 m²Read more about areas at:
general 6 months ago 8613