20 POINTS AND WILL MARK BRAINLIESTThe event coordinator asks you to determine how many students participated in the track-and-field day. The total number of students in seventh and eighth grade combined is 584. 5/8 of them are seventh graders and 3/8 of them are eighth graders. If 4/5 if the seventh graders participated in tack-and-field day and 7/8 of the eight graders participated, about how many total students participated. Describe the process you used.

Let's find an eighth of 584. Break this down step by step.

584/8= 73

So, eighth equals = 73.

Now find how many seven and eighth-graders there are by multiplying 73 by the desired number.

73*5= 365 (seventh graders)

73*3= 219 (eighth graders)

So, just divide both numbers by the denominator of the fraction used, and then multiply by the numerator for the correct amount of both who participated.

365/ 5= 73

73*4= 292

292 of the seventh graders participated.

219/8= 27.375

Multiply that by the numerator.

27.375*7= 191.625 (8th graders)

The question said about how many participated, so round 191 up to 192.

292 seventh graders and 192 eighth graders participated in field day.

I hope this helps!
general 6 months ago 9517