3.75 million in figures

3,750,000 Further explanation Problem: 3.75 million in figures. The Process:3.75 is a decimal number that can be written as [tex]\boxed{ \ 3.75 = \frac{375}{100} \ }[/tex]. The term of million is the same as 1,000 thousand or 1,000,000. Hence, 3.75 million is 3.75 times 1,000,000. [tex]\boxed{ \ 3.75 \times 1,000,000 = \frac{375}{100} \times 1,000,000 \ }[/tex] We cross out 100 because they can be divided by 1,000,000. [tex]\boxed{ \ 3.75 \times 1,000,000 = 375 \times 10,000 \ }[/tex] Thus, the result is [tex]\boxed{\boxed{ \ 3.75 \ million = 3,750,000 \ }}[/tex] - - - - - - - - - What we have discussed above is writing in standard form. Let's continue with the way of writing in scientific notation. Scientific notation represents the way scientists deal with very broad or very narrow numbers in the product of a decimal form of number and powers of ten.   In other words, these numbers can be rewritten as simple numbers multiplied by 10 which are raised to certain exponents. Scientific notation should be in the form of   [tex]\boxed{ \ a \times 10^n \ }[/tex] where   [tex]\boxed{ \ 1 \leq a \ < 10 \ }[/tex] a = mantissa n = the order of magnitudeLet's change 3,750,000 as a standard form into scientific notation.[tex] \boxed{ \ 3,750,000 = 3.75 \times 1,000,000 \ } [/tex] Thus, 3,750,000 is written in scientific notation as [tex]\boxed{\boxed{ \ 3,750,000 = 3.75 \times 10^{6} \ }} [/tex] Learn more Standard form to scientific notation How is 0.00023 written in scientific notation? How to explain 3,482,000,000 in scientific notation Keywords: write 3.75 million in figures, written, in standard form, scientific notation, mantissa, the order of magnitude, power, decimal, very large, small
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