5.5B+4R=285, point, 5, B, plus, 4, R, equals, 28The above equation is true if Amit buys BBB pounds of blueberries and RRR pounds of raspberries at a farm where blueberries cost \$5.50$5.50dollar sign, 5, point, 50 per pound and raspberries cost \$4.00$4.00dollar sign, 4, point, 00 per pound. According to the equation, how much does Amit spend in total on both types of berries?

Answer:$285Step-by-step explanation:Blueberries:B = number of pounds of blueberries bought$5.50 = price of blueberries per pound$5.50B = total price of B pounds of blueberriesBlueberries:R = number of pounds of raspberries bought$4 = price of raspberries per pound$4R = total price of R pounds of raspberriesTotal:$5.5B + $4RSince 5.5B+4R=285, then Amit spends in total on both types of berries $285
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