6. Sketch the region enclosed by the graphs of x =0, 6y-5x=0 and x+3y=21. Find the area7.Find the volume of the solid formed when the region is revolved around the y axis

We can see that revolving the region formed by intersecting 3 lines, we will get 2 cones that are connected their bases.
Volume of the cone V=1/3 *πr²*h

1) small cone has r=5, and h=5
Volume small cone V1= 1/3 *π*5²*5 = 5³/3 *π
2) large cone has r=5, and h=21-6=15, h=15
Volume large cone V2= 1/3 *π*5²*15 = 5³*π
3) whole volume
5³/3 *π + 5³*π=5³π(1/3+1)=((5³*4)/3)π=(500/3)π≈166.7π≈523.6

we see 2 right triangles,
Area of the triangle=1/2*b*h, where b -base, h -height
1) small one, b=5, h=5
2)large one, b=5, h=15
3) whole area=A1+A2=25/2+75/2=100/2=50

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