A bag contains three red marbles and two blue marbles. Marcus reaches in and pulls out a marble, does not replace it, but then reaches in and pulls out another marble. What is the probability now that they both are blue?

The probability of both the marbles, which is Marcus pulls out one after one without replacing it is 1/10 or 0.1.What is probability?Probability of an event is the ratio of number of favorable outcome to the total number of outcome of that event.The number of marbles which the bag contains are,Three red marblesTwo blue marbles. Marcus reaches in and pulls out a marble. The probability of taking out one marble from five marbles is,[tex]P=\dfrac{2}{5}[/tex]Now Marcus again reaches in and pulls out another marble without replacing the first one. Now we have only 4 marble in which there is 1 blue marble. The probability of taking out this blue marble in 4 marbles is,[tex]P=\dfrac{1}{4}[/tex]By the chain rule probability of both the marbles, which is Marcus pulls out one after one without replacing it is,[tex]P=\dfrac{2}{5}\times\dfrac{1}{4}\\P=\dfrac{1}{10}[/tex]Thus, the probability of both the marbles, which is Marcus pulls out one after one without replacing it is 1/10 or 0.1.Learn more about the probability here;
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