A book was on sale for 40% off its original price. Ifthe sale price of the book was $18.00, what was theoriginal price of the book? (Assume there is no salestax.)A) $7.20B) $10.80C) $30.00D) $45.00

Answer:Option C: $30 is the original price of book.Step-by-step explanation:Let the original price of book be xGiven that:Sale price = x - 40% of xAs it is given that the sale price was $18So,$18 =  x - 40% of xBy simplifying:$18 = x - 0.4x$18 = 0.6xDividing both sides by 0.6:x = $18/0.6x = $ 30So the original price of book will be $30i hope it will help you!
general 5 months ago 8623