A concession stand sells hamburgers (h) for $2 and hotdogs(d) for $1.On friday night they sold a total of 300 hamburgers and hotdogs and made $420.How many of each did they sell?Which system of equations matches the situation?A)h+d=300 2h+d=420B)h+d=420 2h+d=300C)h+d=300 h+2d=420D) h+d=720 2h+d=300

The first equation has to be the sum of hotdogs and hamburgers. Since a total of 300 hamburgers and hotdogs was sold, the first equation is:

Now, the second equation is about the money. They say that EACH hamburger cost $2 and each hotdog cost $1. And, the total amount of money made was $420. So the second equation is:


SO, overall, the system of equations is this:

(option A is the answer)
general 6 months ago 9841