A researcher surveyed people as they left a museum, asking whether they visited the gift shop and whether they watched the film about the museum's history. The table shows the relative frequencies of the responses. One person who was surveyed is randomly selected.What is the probability that the person visited the gift shop, given that the person did not watch the film?Write the probability as a percent. Round to the nearest tenth if needed. Show all of your work for credit!

Hey there!

P(y) = 0.46

P(x) = 0.49

P(y') = 0.54

P(x') = 0.51

P(y and x') = 0

x = person that watched the film

y = person that visited the gift shop

Β P(y and x') / P(x')

0.1 / 0.51 = 0.196Β 

Now convert that into a percentage!

0.196 = 19.6%

Your answer is 19.6%

Hope I helped!

Let me know if you need anything else!

~ Zoe

general 6 months ago 1069