A town's yearly snowfall in inches over a 10-year period is recorded in this table. What is the mean of the snowfall amounts? 15.0 in. 17.0 in. 17.9 in. 18.9 in Year Snowfall in inches 1997 15 1998 11 1999 18 2000 25 2001 13 2002 20 2003 16 2004 28 2005 15 2006 18

Answer:17.9 inchesStep-by-step explanation:The mean is found by adding together all of the data points and dividing by the number of data points.The sum of our data is15+11+18+25+13+20+16+28+15+18 = 179There are 10 data points.This makes the mean 179/10 = 17.9.
general 6 months ago 6178