A. what is the probability that a service time is less than or equal to one minute (to 4 decimals)?

The complete question says:
"Wendy's restaurant has been recognized for having the fastest average service time among fast food restaurants. In a benchmark study, Wendy's average service time of 2.2 minutes was less than those of Burger King, Chick-fil-A, Krystal, McDonald's, Taco Bell, and Taco John's (QSR Magazine website, December 2014). Assume that the service time for Wendy's has an exponential distribution. a. What is the probability that a service time is less than or equal to one minute (to 4 decimals)?"The exponential distribution probability is given by the formula:[tex]P(T \leq t) = 1 - e^{-\lambda t} [/tex]where: λ = average in unit time = 1/2.2 = 0.45 services per minute       t = time requested = 1 minute[tex]P(T \leq 1) = 1 - e^{-0.45} [/tex]p(T ≤ 1) = 0.3624Hence, the probability that a service time is less than or equal to one minute is p = 0.3624, which means 36.24%.
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