an equation was used to predict possible weights of puppies at 6 months of age. the actual weights of the puppies are also listed. Actual Weights (Ounces) - 9, 15, 16, 20, 20, 26 Predicted Weights (Ounces)- 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 The sum of the residuals ____

Answer:The answer is 7Step-by-step explanation:To start off, we make subtract the actual weight to the predicted weight. 9-9 ; 15-12 ; 16-15 ; 20-18 ; 20-21 ; 26-24 . After subtracting each  column above we get 0,3,1,2,-1,2. We have to now add so that would leave us a 7.Hope this helps, I know this is right I took the test! Have a nice day!
general 6 months ago 7470