At the beginning of the season, MacDonald had to remove 5 orange trees from his farm. Each of the remaining trees produced 210 oranges for a total harvest of 41790 oranges. Write an equation to determine the initial number of orange trees (t) on MacDonald's farm.At the beginning of the season, MacDonald had to remove 5 orange trees from his farm. Each of the remaining trees produced 210 oranges for a total harvest of 41790 oranges. Write an equation to determine the initial number of orange trees (t) on MacDonald's farm.'Find the initial number of orange trees on MacDonald's farm.

Suppose t would be the initial number of trees 

"remove 5 trees at the beginning of the season"  means (t - 5) stay 

"every remaining tree made 210 oranges for a total of 41,790 oranges"    means(t - 5)  *   210  = 41790 Now, you can solve for t:

        (t-5)(210) = 41790

        210t - 1050 = 41790

        210t = 42840 

          t = 204   At start there were 204 trees.  After 5 were cut, the 199 that had remained, made 210 oranges each for an amount of 199*210 = 41790 oranges.
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