Austin keeps a right conical basin for the birds in his garden as represented in the diagram. The basin is 40 centimeters deep, and the angle between the sloping sides is 77°. What is the shortest distance between the tip of the cone and its rim?

Answer:51.15 cmStep-by-step explanation:Data providedBasin = 40 centimeters deepThe Angle between the sloping sides = 77°The calculation of the shortest distance between the tip of the cone and its rim is shown below:-The angle will get divided and the angle is as follows[tex]\frac{77^\circ}{2}=38.5^\circ[/tex]Here In the first triangle, we will follow "Cosine formula" which follows:-[tex]\cos 38.5^\circ=\frac{Base}{Hypotenuse}[/tex][tex]cos 38.5^\circ=\frac{40}{Hypotenuse}[/tex][tex]\\\\0.782=\frac{40}{Hypotenuse}[/tex][tex]\\\\Hypotenuse=\frac{40}{0.782}[/tex][tex]=51.15\ cm[/tex]
general 6 months ago 3577