Brian, Steve, and Rita invested a total of $24,000 in a business. Each person invested the same amount. Unfortunately, in the first quarter they suffered a loss of $4,500, which they shared equally. By what amount has each individual investment changed due to the loss?

Answer:Option C: -$1500 is the correct answer.Step-by-step explanation:Given that:Total amount invested in business = $24,000Loss suffered in first quarter = $4500As the amount is shared by Brian, Steve and Rita equally, therefore, Loss of each person = [tex]\frac{Loss}{Number\ of\ people}[/tex]Loss of each person = [tex]\frac{4500}{3} = \$1500[/tex]As loss is defined by decrease in the investment, Loss of each person = -$1500Hence, Option C: -$1500 is the correct answer.
general 6 months ago 3978