Can get some help on this question please?

Answer:   (a)  8   (b)  16   (c)  24   (d)  The ratios are the sameStep-by-step explanation:(a) For inputs -5 and -4, the difference of outputs is ...   -3 -(-11) = 8__(b) For inputs 0 and 2, the difference of outputs is ...   45 -29 = 16__(c) For inputs -3 and 0, the difference of outputs is ...   29 -5 = 24__(d) The ratios of output difference over input difference are ...   8/1 = 16/2 = 24/3 = 8 . . . . . they are all the sameThis is yet another confirmation that the slope of a line is the same everywhere, and over any interval.
general 5 months ago 4467