Twelve players take 60 days to train for games. 6 of them, however, were removed, leaving only 6 to train for the games. How long will the training take to complete?

To find out how long it will take the remaining 6 players to complete their training, we can use the concept of "work done." If 12 players take 60 days to complete the training, that means the total amount of work required is constant. In other words, it takes 12 players 60 days to complete this work. Now, if 6 players are removed, we need to determine how much work can be done by the remaining 6 players in a given time frame. Let "D" represent the total amount of work required for training, and let "T" represent the time it will take the remaining 6 players to complete the training. We can set up the following equation: (12 players) * (60 days) = (6 players) * (T days) Now, we can solve for T: (12 * 60) = (6 * T) 720 = 6T To isolate T, divide both sides by 6: T = 720 / 6 T = 120 days So, it will take the remaining 6 players 120 days to complete their training.
general 6 months ago 318