Find the slope of the line that passes through the following pairs of points. 1. A(5, 4) B(- 3, - 4) 2. A(- 1, 5) B(2, - 4)

To find the slope of a line passing through two points, we can use the formula: slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) Let's calculate the slopes for the given pairs of points: 1. A(5, 4) and B(-3, -4): x1 = 5, y1 = 4 x2 = -3, y2 = -4 slope = (-4 - 4) / (-3 - 5) = -8 / -8 = 1 Therefore, the slope of the line passing through A(5, 4) and B(-3, -4) is 1. 1. A(-1, 5) and B(2, -4): x1 = -1, y1 = 5 x2 = 2, y2 = -4 slope = (-4 - 5) / (2 - (-1)) = -9 / 3 = -3 Therefore, the slope of the line passing through A(-1, 5) and B(2, -4) is -3. Hence, the slopes for the given pairs of points are 1 and -3, respectively.
general 6 months ago 925