Find the indicated limit, if it exists. limit of f of x as x approaches 9 where f of x equals x plus 9 when x is less than 9 and f of x equals 27 minus x when x is greater than or equal to 9 The limit does not exist. 18 0 9

Answer:B. 18Step-by-step explanation:For the function[tex]f(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{l}x+9,\ \ x<9\\27-x,\ \ x\ge 9\end{array}\right.[/tex]we can find the value of the function for all x that are very close to 9 but are less than 9 and for all values of x that are very close to 9 but are greater than 9.1. For [tex]x<9:[/tex][tex]\lim \limits_{x\rightarrow 9}f(x)=\lim \limits_{x\rightarrow 9}(x+9)=9+9=18[/tex]2. For [tex]x\ge 9:[/tex][tex]\lim \limits_{x\rightarrow 9}f(x)=\lim \limits_{x\rightarrow 9}(27-x)=27-9=18[/tex]So, limit exists and is equal to 18.
general 6 months ago 7182