Find the roots of the polynomial equation. x^3-4x^2+x+26=0

Answer:x=-2 us the root of polynomialStep-by-step explanation:We have been given a polynomial [tex]x^3-4x^2+x+26[/tex]Root of a polynomial is that point where  polynomial vanishes or gives the value zero at that pointWe will assume a point by  our choice which we can say a hit and trial method which will give the value zero So, let us assume x=-2 is the root we will put x=-2 in the given polynomial we get [tex](-2)^3-4(-2)^2+(-2)+26[/tex][tex]\Rightarrow -8-16-2+26=0[/tex]Hence, this is the point where polynomial gives the zero.Hence, x=-2 is root of polynomial or (x+2)is root of polynomial.
general 6 months ago 2877