Graph f(x)=|x−2|+3 .Use the ray tool to graph the function.

Answer:Answer:The graph will be [tex][/tex] 2 units away from the origin on positive [tex]x-axis[/tex] and three units upward from the origin towards [tex]y-axis[/tex].Step-by-step explanation:Here is a graph attached with it.To graph [tex]\left | x-2 \right |+3[/tex] we know that positive [tex]\left | x \right |[/tex] is a [tex]V[/tex] shaped from the origin.Key points:To move rightward there must be a negative inside the parentheses.And to move upward we must have positive [tex]b = constant[/tex].If we have to move towards [tex]x-axis[/tex] then we must have negative inside it.And if we have to move upward in [tex]y-axis[/tex] positive we must have positive constant value.So the graph will be three units upward and two units rightward with a V-shaped ray.
general 6 months ago 1836