HELPA ASAPP PLZZZ!!!! MARKING BRAINLIEST!!!!Given below are six out of order steps for constructing a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle.1.) Place a point, labeled A, anywhere on the circumference of the circle as a starting point.2.) Keep repeating this process of stepping around the circumference of the circle until you return to point A.3.) Without changing the compass span, place the compass point on A and swing a small arc crossing the circumference of the circle.4.) Place your compass point on the paper and draw a circle and keep the span of the compass.5.) Starting at A, connect to each arc on the circle forming the regular hexagon.6.) Without changing the compass span, move the compass point to the intersection of the previous arc and the circumference and make another small arc on the circumference of the circle. PLACE THEN IN ORDER!!!

Answer: Β  4, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5Step-by-step explanation:Start by drawing a circle (4).Pick a point on the circle (1).Draw an arc from that point (3).Draw another arc the same distance from the first (6).Repeat around the circle (2).Connect the dots (5)._____You should actually do this construction some time. It will take the mystery out of the sequence of steps.
general 5 months ago 1873