hey! please help posted picture of question

Let's go through each answer choice by itself. What we're looking for in each is the slope and y intercept to see whether it could be a possibility on the graph.

A ) It has a slope of 3, meaning it is positive and has an upward slope, so far so good. It has a y intercept of -2, below the x axis. Both of these are true for the graph, so this COULD be a possibility.

B ) Converting the standard form equation into slope intercept form
+4x       +4x
/2     /2
We see the slope is positive meaning it has an upward slope, which matches the graph, and has a negative y intercept, which also matches the graph, meaning it COULD be a possibility.

C ) This is NOT a possibility, because, if y=-10 were graphed, it would be a line with zero slope, which does not match the graph, meaning it COULD NOT be a possibility

D ) First, we must convert the standard form equation into slope intercept form.
-2x     -2x
/-3    /-3
The slope is positive, meaning it has a upward slope, which matches the graph, however the y intercept is positive, and over the x axis, meaning it COULD NOT be a possibility.

Your answers are A and B
general 6 months ago 1367