How can you tell when a quadratic equation has no real solutions? A. When the radicand is negativeB. When b in the quadratic formula is greater than the radicandC. When the radicand equals zeroD. When the radicand is not a perfect square

Answer:  The correct option is  (A). When the radicand is negativeStep-by-step explanation:  We are given to select the correct option by which we can tell that a quadratic equation has no real solutions.We know that for the quadratic equation[tex]ax^2+bx+c=0,~a\neq 0[/tex] the radicand is given by[tex]D=b^2-4ac.[/tex]Based on the radicand "D", we have the following rules:(i) If D > 0 (positive), then the two solutions are real and unequal.(ii) If D = 0, then the two solutions are equal.(iii) If D< 0 (negative), then the two solutions are complex (not real).Thus, when the radicand is negative, then the quadratic equation has no real solutions.Option (A) is correct.
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