How much candy at $1.16 a pound should be mixed with candy worth 86 cent a pound in order to obtain a mixture of 60 pounds of candy worth a dollar a pound?

Let the weights of the two candies be repres. by x and y.

Then x + y = 60, or x = 60 - y

($1.16 / lb) x + ($0.86 / lb) y = ($1.00 / lb) (60 lb) = $60

Then 1.16(60-y) + 0.86y = 60
   69.6 - 1.16y + 0.86y = 60                                9.6
     9.6 = 0.3y                         Solving for y, y = ------- = 32 lb

                                               Then x = (60-32) lb = 28 lb
general 6 months ago 1873