if f(x)=|x|+9 and g(x)= -6, which describes the value of (f + g)(x)?(f + g)(x) greater equal to 3 for all values of x(f + g)(x) less equal to 3 for all values of x(f + g)(x) less equal to 6 for all values of x(f + g)(x) greater equal to 6 for all values of x

ANSWER[tex](f+g)(x)[/tex] is greater or equal to [tex]3[/tex] for all values of [tex]x[/tex]
EXPLANATIONGiven [tex](f+g)(x)=|x|+9[/tex] and [tex]g(x)=-6[/tex]
If we plug in any value of  [tex]x[/tex] in to this function, we get a value that is greater than or equal to 3.See graph in the attachment.Therefore the correct answer is A.

general 6 months ago 5045