If light travels at 3.0x10⁸ m/s, how long will it take for thr light to travel from the sub to the earth which is a distance of 1.5x10⁸ km away?

Sunlight travels at the speed of light, which is approximately **3.0x10⁸ meters per second. The distance between the Sun and Earth is about 150 million kilometers. To calculate the time it takes for light to travel from the Sun to Earth, we can use the formula: Time = Distance/Speed Converting the distance from kilometers to meters, we have: Distance = 1.5x10⁸ * 10⁶ meters Plugging in the values into the formula, we get: Time = {1.5x10⁸* 10⁶}}/{3.0x10⁸}seconds Simplifying the expression, we find that it takes approximately 500 seconds for sunlight to travel from the Sun to Earth¹. This is equivalent to 8 minutes and 20 seconds.
general 6 months ago 2728