if the area of a parallelogram is 86cm and the height is 12cm write an equation that relates the height,base and area of the parallelogram

Answer:The relation to find base is, [tex]base=\frac{area\ of\ the \ parallelogram}{height}=\frac{86}{12}=7.16\ cm[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:Given Area of the parallelogram [tex]=86\ cm^2[/tex]Height of the parallelogram [tex]=12\ cm[/tex]We know that the area of the parallelogram [tex]=base\times height[/tex]So To find base we have to divide the height on both sides of the equation.[tex]base=\frac{area\ of\ the \ parallelogram}{height}[/tex]Plugging the values.[tex]base=\frac{86}{12} =7.1\ cm[/tex]So the base in terms of area of the parallelogram and its height is [tex]b=\frac{area}{height} =\frac{86}{12}=7.16\ cm[/tex]
general 6 months ago 5645