In a given rectangle, the shorter side is 3 units less than the longer side. If we let the longer side be represented by the variable x, create an expression that represents the perimeter of the rectangle. (P=2L+2W)

Answer:P = 4x - 6Step-by-step explanation:In a given rectangle, the shorter side is 3 less than the longer side. Let the longer side is the length of the rectangle L and the shorter side of the rectangle is the width of the rectangle W. Then from the condition given we can write that L = W + 3 ....... (1) Now, perimeter of the rectangle is given by P = 2(L + W) So, from equation (1) we can write P = 2(L + L - 3) {Since W = L - 3} β‡’ P = 2(2L - 3) = 4L - 6. Now, if we represent L as the variable x, then the expression for perimeter P = 4x - 6 (Answer)
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