In hoping to make it onto the school's Gold Team, Bryan, Eli,and Damien took golf lessons over the summer. Bryan signed up to take 4 lessons with a semi-pro instructor, and each lesson cost $32.00 for a 45-minute session. The instructor advised Bryan to buy a bag of bulk practice balls to use during his lessons. After buying a bag of 32 golf balls, the total cost for his lessons and golf balls is $132.48. Eli signed up to take 6 lessons with a pro instructor, and each lesson cost $52.00 for a 1-hour session. Eli bought a bag of bulk practice balls to use during his lessons. After buying a bag of 40 golf balls, the total cost for his lessons and golf balls is $319.20. Damien signed up to take 5 lessons with pro instructor, and each lesson cost $28.00 for a 30-minute session. Based on the instructor's advise, he bought a bag of 24 golf balls to use during his lessons. The total cost for his lessons and golf balls is $144.08. Place the students in order from the least amount to the greatest amount that they paid per golf ball.

Here are the ranks (Least to Greatest):
1. Eli's Lesson 1 (14 Cents)
2. Damians's Lesson (17 Cents)
3. Eli's Lesson 2 (18 Cents)

general 6 months ago 8669