In two or more complete sentences, describe how to find the interval(s) where the function is decreasing and how interval notation is used to express the interval(s). In your final answer, include the interval in which the function is decreasing.

Answer:The interval in which the function is decreasing is:                         (-5,0] Step-by-step explanation:We know that for a linear function the function is decreasing if the graph is a straight line with negative slope i.e. the function is decreasing continuously.The function is a increasing function if the graph of the function is a straight line with positive slope i.e. the function is increasing continuouslyand the function is constant if the graph of the function is a straight horizontal line parallel to the x-axis.From the graph we see that the function is increasing in the interval : [0,4]and is decreasing in the interval : (-5,0] and is constant in the interval: [-8,-5)∪[4,8)
general 6 months ago 7663