Simple interest: You make a loan to the company on February 21, 2022 for an amount of $10,000,000 with the commitment that you must pay it with the interest generated on October 17 of the current year. The interest rate you must pay is 12% simple bimonthly. Perform the following numerals according to the statement: 1. Prepare the cash flow corresponding to the lender. 2. Calculate the number of days (business year – actual year) 3. Calculate the interest to be paid in both cases 4. Calculate the total amount to be paid in both cases

To calculate the simple interest on the loan and the total amount to be paid, we need to follow these steps: Prepare the cash flow corresponding to the lender: Loan Amount: $10,000,000 Interest Rate: 12% per annum (simple bimonthly) Loan Start Date: February 21, 2022 Interest Payment Date: October 17, 2022 Calculate the number of days (business year – actual year): From February 21, 2022, to October 17, 2022: Number of days in February: 28 (non-leap year) Number of days in March, April, May, June, July, August, September: 31 days each Number of days in October (up to and including the 17th): 17 days Total number of days = 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 17 = 229 days Calculate the interest to be paid: The simple interest formula is: Simple Interest (I) = (Principal amount x Rate x Time) / 100 Principal amount (P) = $10,000,000 Rate (R) = 12% per annum Time (T) = 229 days / 365 (to convert to a fraction of a year) I = (10,000,000 x 12 x (229/365)) / 100 Calculate the total amount to be paid: Total Amount (A) = Principal amount + Interest Now, let's calculate the interest and total amount: Calculate the interest: I = (10,000,000 x 12 x (229/365)) / 100 I β‰ˆ $758,904.11 (rounded to two decimal places) Calculate the total amount: A = Principal amount + Interest A = $10,000,000 + $758,904.11 A β‰ˆ $10,758,904.11 So, the lender will receive approximately $758,904.11 in interest, and the total amount to be paid by the borrower is approximately $10,758,904.11 on October 17, 2022.
general 6 months ago 742