Izracunaj opseg i povrsinu kruga upisanog u kvadrat stranice duljine 8 cm.

(In English), your question would state the following:

Calculate the circumference and circumference of the circle entered in a square 8 cm long.

So when finding the answer this this question, we know that the circumference would be the complete area of a circle.

So, I believe we would want to find what is the radius and the diameter that would make this circumference 8[tex]^c^m[/tex].

The radius would then be (1.274).

Now in your own language (Croatian).

Dakle, kad pronađemo odgovor na ovo pitanje, znamo da bi opseg bio cjelokupno područje kruga. Dakle, vjerujem da bismo željeli otkriti što je radijus i promjer koji bi ovaj opseg mogao učiniti 8cm. Radijus bi onda bio (1.274).

general 6 months ago 1143