Jack is performing an experiment in a laboratory. The resulting rise in temperature, t(x), of the chemical under observation, over time x, in hours, for the first ten hours can be modeled by a cubic function. Each of the following functions is a different form of the cubic model for the situation given above. Which form would be most helpful if attempting to determine the time at which the temperature is approximately constant?t(x) = 0.05x(x2 - 15x + 75) + 43.75t(x) = 0.05(x - 5)3 + 50t(x) = 0.05(x3 - 15x2 + 75x + 875)t(x) = 0.05x3 - 0.75x2 + 3.75x + 43.75

I'd say option D because you can just tell right off the bat that if x = 0, then f(x) = 43.75.
general 6 months ago 2489