Jamey wanted to understand whether students at her school were in favor of an extended school day. She surveyed some students and displayed the results in the table below: In favor Opposed Undecided Grade 9 5 3 9 Grade 10 8 12 9 Grade 11 15 16 10 Grade 12 12 6 11 If the principal randomly selects a student in grade 9 from this survey, what is the probability that the student is in favor of extending the school day?


               In favor    Opposed Undecided
Grade 9      5              3                9
Grade 10    8            12                9
Grade 11  15            16               10
Grade 12  12              6                11

Probability = number of positive outcomes / number of possible outcomes

Probability that a student in grade 9 is in favor of extending the school day =

number of students in 9 grade in favor / number of students in grade 9

number of students in 9 grade in favor = 5

number of students in 9 grade = 5 + 3 + 9 = 17

Probability = 5 / 17

Answer: 5 / 17
general 6 months ago 2976