Jane and mark each build ramps to jump their remote controlled cars. both ramps are right triangles when viewed from the side. the incline of jands ramp makes a 30 dregree angle with the ground and the length of the incline ramp is 14 inches. the incline of marks ramp makes a 45 degree angle with the ground and the length of the incline ramp is 10 inches.what is the horizontal length of the base of janes ramp

1. You have that Jane's ramp makes a 30 dregree angle with the ground and the length of the incline ramp is 14 inches.

 2. Then, to solve this problem you must apply the proccedure shown below:


 hypotenuse=14 inches

 3. When you substitute the values and clear "x", you obtain:


 4. Therefore, the horizontal length of the base of jane's ramp is:

 124,70 inches
general 6 months ago 2287