Jeanette purchased a concert ticket on a web site. The original price of the ticket was $75. She used a coupon code to receive a 20% discount. The web site applied a 10% service fee to the discounted price. Jeanette’s ticket was less than the original price by what percent?

Answer:Jeanette’s ticket was less than the original price by 12 percentStep-by-step explanation:1. Let's calculate the 20% discount price Jeanette received:75 - 0.2 * 75 = 75 - 15 = $ 60The discounted price is $ 602. Let's calculate the 10% service fee to the discounted price:60 + 0.1 * 60 = 60 + 6 = $ 66The price including the service fee is $ 663. Finally, let's calculate the less percentage than the original price:Let's use the Direct Rule of Three, this way:Price     Percentage75              10066                x**************************75x = 66 * 10075x = 6,600x = 6,600/75x = 88Less percentage = 100 - 88 = 12%Jeanette’s ticket was less than the original price by 12 percent
general 6 months ago 6208