Jeanette purchased a concert ticket on a web site. The original price of the ticket was $75. She used a coupon code to receive a 20% discount. The web site applied a 10% service fee to the discounted price. Jeanette’s ticket was less than the original price by what percent?

The problem says that the original price of the ticket was $75 and Jeanette used a coupon code to receive a 20% discount. So, you have:
 The price when she received a 20% discount was:
 Then, the web site applied a 10% service fee to the discounted price, so you have:
 So, if 75$ is the 100% of the price, what percentage represents 67.5$?
 Then, you obtain:
 Jeanette’s ticket was less than the original price by what percent?
 The answer is: 10%
general 6 months ago 4418